Breaking the Binary

In order for me to describe my journey into fashion and menswear, I have to first venture into my sense of gender and self, and my urge to create. For me, and probably for many other people out there, sense of self, creativity and fashion are intricately connected.

I remember standing next to my twin brother in his childhood room, we were just old enough to dress ourselves and tie our shoe laces. I thought how lucky he was, that he could dress like the physically strongest' people we knew - Action Man and our Dad.

It was through trying on his clothes and dressing like the people who inspired me as a child that I came to discover the joy I felt from feeling strong and true to myself. Those feelings carry through to today - when I fasten the final button on my shirt and put on my tie, when I wear an oversized blazer and tailored trousers (with pockets that are actually big enough for more than a lipstick); I feel such a sense of self. There are days where I will mix something inherently ‘girly’ like a skirt with a shirt, tie and/or blazer, and feel smug, like I’ve somehow cheated a binary system!

Wearing my first suit

It was a powerful experience for me, it made me feel empowered - not because I dressed in menswear, but because I felt so feminine even though I wore something to stereotypically masculine. There’s such a beautiful force behind femininity.

Being creative has only added to the exploration - for me, creativity turned clothing into fashion - there can be an art to dressing. When I pick up a piece of clothing, I look at the fabric, how it drapes, the details of the stitching, and how it’s aged - I love vintage and seeing life in an object that has lived before I’ve picked it up!

I’m really enjoying my journey into fashion and menswear, and think that it will continue unfalteringly throughout my life.


Pitti Uomo: The Menswear Tradeshow With Meaning